This tutorial reviews over 550 of the toughest interview questions that you will encounter. You also get the answers. You won’t have to memorize questions and answers once you start getting an understanding of the reasons some questions are being asked. Knowledge of the answers will come. Like with most of the interviewing process, answering interview questions takes practice.
This tutorial reminds the candidate that the foundation of all interview questions emanate from “Can you do the job?” “Do we like you?” “Are you a risk?” and “Can we work the money out?” Most candidates think that the only real questions hiring authorities are asking have to do with their qualifications and their ability to do the job. This only accounts for 20% of the hiring decision. 40% of the hiring decision centers around the correct answers to the question “Do we like you?” and 30% around the question “Are you a risk?” Learning how to answer these questions successfully makes interviewing easier.
"I’ve always been so good at what I did. I thought it showed for itself without me having to, as you would say, ‘sell’ it very hard. This tutorial clarified the mistakes I was making."
- Trevor D., Ft. Smith, AR