We all know that most businesses and the people who run them are dysfunctional. This Tutorial shows you how those traits affect hiring and, therefore, your job search.
With any kind of business experience, most of us know how dysfunctional businesses and the people who run them are. For some reason, most of us think that will change when we look for a job. We simply know that anyone with any business acumen will have the wisdom to interview and hire us on the spot. We forget that the same kind of goofiness that made the companies we work for become dysfunctional carries over into the hiring process.
This Tutorial teaches you how companies and individuals in them really go about hiring. You'll learn how to get those dysfunctional attributes to actually work for you in the hiring process. Getting frustrated and downright mad about the goofiness of businesses when it comes to hiring won’t help you. Learning how to work with them and actually take advantage of them, will.
"It was an 'ah' moment as I finished this tutorial. I started laughing, realizing that the kind of boneheads in business I had worked with before weren't all of a sudden going to
change when I started looking for a job. It
was refreshing to see how it all applied to hiring. It made my job search much easier."
- Stephen D., New York, NY
"Now I know why I feel like nobody has been paying attention to me as a candidate.
Now I know what to do. No one explained
this before."
- Janet W., St. Paul MN